A world of possibilities

The ventilated facade of natural stone: criteria of selection of the anchorage


The current architectural tendencies derive to proposals of closings of light facade. This situation has launched to the numerous market systems of anchorage that allow the placing of the cladding system called ventilated facade.

In front of the difficult situation to choose a system of appropriate anchorage, give  to continuation a series of guidelines, that can help to select properly the system of ideal subjection:

1. Adaptation of the anchorage to the cladding:
The security of the system of anchorage in front of the leakage is function, between other things, of the surface of contact anchorage/stone, fot a bolt anchors will be of lower guarantee that one on slot.

2. Adaptation of the anchorage to the support:
For the employment of punctual anchorages recommends that the support was of brick drilled or concrete. When the support is a factory of hollow brick or block of concrete, is more recommended the employment of anchorages joined to the support by means of metal section.

3. Actions to which can be subjected the facade:
Especially it will have to take into account the aggressiveness of the half, the conditions of the facade (exposed or no), the height of the same, the particular characteristics of the zone (climate, efforts of flexural owed to the wind, etc.)

4. Incompatibilities between the material constituents:
The norm UNE 41957-1. "Anchorages for claddings of buildings facades. It splits 1: Subsystems for light claddings" It indicates that they will have to take into account, the incompatibilities between the different material (anchorages, mortars...) Avoiding by means of the measures of suitable protection.

Using these simple criteria, will avoid that these applications suffer fast deteriorations, with the consequent repair and economic cost, avoiding the annoyance to the user.


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