A world of possibilities

The CTG, leads the technique comission created by the sector of the products for pavings, to give solution to the problem of the slide


In this entrance We would like to clear a problem that the Technological Centre of the Granite carries time trying solve after the publication of the Technical Code of the Edificación (CTE), in concrete of the Basic Document "Security of the Utilisation" DB-SU. In him we find us with that the polishings pavings do not fulfil the requirements to be able to place in an inner floor, when the reality is that they come  using successfully in this type of pavings (shopping centres, offices, airports…) without originating problems of slide.

Of way very simplified, the problem arises by the norm of essay that has chosen  in the CTE to realise the essay of slide, that contemplates the realisation of the essay only with the wet slabs. This does not have sense, when his use no this allocated to such end.

The immediate consequence of this is the no prescription of the natural stone in polishings or smooth finishings pavings, for considering  no insurances to the not fulfilling the CTE.


To tackle this problematic, the CTG gave a series of steps to try solve it:

- It moves  the worry of our sector to CEPCO (National patronal of companies of products of the construction), and observing that the problem extended  to a lot of other products of construction.

- At the same time, in the year 2010, creates , inside the Committee of AENOR CTN 41 "Construction", a Subcommittee SC 11"Slide" in which the CTG participates actively.

- During the  years 2011 and 2012, the CTG ships  in the project to "show" that the polishings pavings in dry are safe, as well as that, exist a series of pavings (like the coarsed, bush hammered and flamed) that do not need essay when considering  safe.

- In the year 2012, with the end to normalise and document the different existent finishings in natural stone, the CTG coordinates the preparation of a Document of support (DA) to the CTE, in which, after consulting to all the subsectors of the stone, sends  to Eduardo Torroja for his publication (that, for the moment, has not believed  necessary).

Finally, the past 28th March 2014 the Ministry communicates us the publication of the document DA 3 DB-SUA, in where they resolve  the problematic appearances. With this: the sector already can commercialise the polishings pavings in interiors, in conditions of security and the sector saves  the realisation of essays in bush hammered and flamed pavings, for considering  safe.

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